Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Natural makeup!

Hey girlies! Today I've got some advice for you: I'm going to teach you how to have a naturally gorgeous face with as little makeup as we can muster!

Step one: Take care of your skin.
This goes for not only your face, but the rest of your body as well. If your arms of legs are pealing, a sugar or salt scrub will do the trick. Always moisturize afterward!
For your face, try to develop a routine for in the mornings and at night. Here's mine:
Morning: Use Neutrogena Acne Scrub in Pink Grapefruit.
Moisturize with Neutrogena Illuminating Facial Moisturizer- this also has SPF
Apply makeup as needed.

Evening: Remove makeup and wash face with makeup remover and water.
Apply moisturizer (same one as before)

Step two: Protect your skin from the sun!
God only gave you one face, and one template on it. It's up to you to take care of it!
Develop a habit of applying sunscreen to your face- and any other exposed skin- before leaving the house. If you find that it's hard to remember, try a moisturizer with at least 15 SPF in it.

Makeup- With your new beauty routine, hopefully you've noticed that your face looks and feels its best. If you're still unhappy with your appearance, then a little makeup in the right places can make a world of difference. A dab of concealer under your eyes and a little around your nose, plus mascara, is all the makeup a teenage girl needs most of the time. 

Of course I could be wrong. The point of wearing makeup is to accentuate your features and boost your self-confidence. If wearing more makeup or less makeup helps you stay confident, do it! 

xoxo Em