Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hey guys! So this was our product review for our halloween makeup- hope you like it!!

-xoxo Em


Hey guys! So my BFF Lana and I went trick-or-treating last night for Halloween. It was so much fun- but still pretty cold. We enjoyed looking at all the decorations and eating junk food all night. I'm so excited to finally have my new computer to write on!!! Anyways. Haha the UPS man came at like ten o'clock last night and I was so excited for my computer to finally be here- we thought it would never. EVER. Come. We all squealed and jumped up and down. I saw the headlights and thought it was trick of treat-ers coming and I saw the UPS truck and we all like blew his ears off!!!
    We had a great time dressing up like Monster High dolls and doing our makeup. In fact- we are getting ready to do a product review on the stuff we used and upload a tutorial.

    Also!! Lana got to ride Sophie!!! I'm so excited she did A-MAZE!!! And Sophie was great. I can't wait for this afternoon- Lana and Lucy and I are going to the barn and Luce and I get to jump. I'm so excited I hope Sophie is good for us!