Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Murphy lesson

Hi! So I rode Murph earlier. He was fantastic, but I managed to take a spill anyways. Totally my fault. He left early over a jump because I accidentally leaned at it and wasn't prepared enough. Other then that, my lesson was perfect. We didn't jump very high because another girl, also named Emily, needed to lesson on him too and so we couldn't tire him out. Sophie was amazing for Lucy and Murphy was great. Success!

Love Blogging!

Hi! Well I haven't ridden yet and I'm blogging anyways... wow. So I was in my little sister's bunk-bed this morning and our kitten Sibby comes in, and starts meowing bloody murder. So I patted the bed and she took a running leap, and launched up the ladder. She was on the top...wrung (I think) and she tried to jump on the bed, but she missed and ended up hanging from the sheets with one paw. Classic lion king! Shes adorable. Okay well I should probably eat breakfast now and get moving, so I will update my, like, 2 readers after my lesson!